Yonkers Firefighters
Yonkers Firefighters

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Sports Teams, Clubs, etc.
Dec 13, 2011

Local 628 has a proud and long tradition of supporting its members and the various teams and organizations of which they are a part.  In order to make the process easier on both the member requesting support, as well as the Executive Board, please consider the following points before making a request.


  • There is a yearly budget for financial support made by Local 628 to the various teams and organizations. The funds come from our Welfare Fund.


  • Establish a maximum yearly amount for your organization.  If you wish to increase this number, consider holding a fundraiser and then asking 628 to match a set amount.


  • Majority of the "team" or "group" must be members of the Yonkers Fire Department.


  • Provide a specific reason for a request.  Ie. t-shirts, uniforms, equipment, rentals, etc. as opposed to incidentals.


  • The Executive Board of Local 628 reserves the right to grant or deny any application after a discussion and vote by the Board.


  • Requests for support will be reviewed on an individual basis.


  • If applicable, provide 628 with reasonable receipts and/or documentation to support requests.


  • A “Local 628 Application for Donation” must be filled out. Requests will be reviewed by the Executive Board at their monthly meeting and must be received at least 21 days in advance of any funding being provided.

IAFF Local 628
470 Nepperhan Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10701

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